Welcome to Emmanuel Nana Poku, Esq

Immigration Attorney


With the “birth” of the internet and the volume of information that come with it, many immigrants seeking legalization in the United States have the false impression that they can handle their immigration issues by just surfing the internet and completing forms.

They think they can do it themselves without the professional guidance of an attorney. Throughout his practice as an immigration attorney, Lawyer Poku has come across many clients, who initially started their petitions without an attorney but who later turned to him for help because of the complexity of the immigration law.

Unfortunately, some of the “do-it-yourself” clients ended up on the deportation list of USCIS, and others too spent more money than they would have, had they engaged an experienced attorney from the onset.

Experienced Attorneys on Your Side

We advise you objectively to obtain the desired results.

Those who try to handle their immigration cases have the wrong notion that they just have to complete forms and submit them to USCIS. What these people fail to realize is that immigration law is complex and that it is constantly changing. More so, the legal terminologies used are not easy to follow. Dealing with immigration issues require the understanding of specific procedures that must be followed. 

It also requires you to know the separate departments that handle specific issues. You must know what to do in any specific case, know what deadlines to watch out for, the right application forms to use, what supporting documents to present, the right fee for each form, and even where to mail your package to after completing the numerous forms.

With the complexity in immigration law, the simple answer to your question as to whether you need an immigration attorney is a resounding YES. Acquiring legal status in the United States is a serious matter that should not be handled by anyone who does not understand the complex immigration law. The future success of you and your family depends on you holding a green card so that you can get a better job, send your children to good schools and achieve your American dream. 

Achieving these aspirations is far too important to leave your immigration matter in the hands of anyone other than Lawyer Poku, a proven immigration attorney who has helped many immigrants, just like you get their green cards.

Our Philosophy

No case is too small or too big to handle. Lawyer Poku is honest, efficient, and reliable. Fees are reasonable, with the option of installment payments. If you need an attorney for your immigration case then your attorney is Lawyer Poku.

Call now for your free consultation.